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Angel Mod for Minecraft PE

Angel Mod for Minecraft PE



Download Angel mod for Minecraft on Android and choose which side you are on: good or evil.

What will the Angel Mod add to Minecraft PE?

New Minecraft PE characters will certainly delight users. The angel mod will complement the cubic world with a variety of characters: angel, devil, heavenly dog, dark trader, fallen angels and many other characters. Each of them has its own characteristics and functions.
In addition to living creatures, the addon is full of new interesting items. Their crafters will be happy to use them in the game.

Good and evil

The authors of the angel fashion put users in front of a choice. Which side will they be on? On the side of good or evil? This is what the participants of Minecraft PE will have to find out after installing this addon.

Here, the crafters will have a serious battle in the fight for justice. In this they will be helped by a flying dog, which jumps so high that it will feel like a real flight.

In order to fly it, you need to install the infinity totem in its active slot.

The authors of the mod have thought out the game in such a way that at the initial stage all players turn out to be on the side of good by default.

But, as with everything in Minecraft PE, they have a choice. If the players are drawn more to the dark side, then as soon as they hit an angel, they automatically switch to the demon clan. And here we have to fight with the angels.

There are some changes in the fashion: the witch is now a dark trader who will be able to exchange the head of the demon you killed for a very powerful pistol with an explosion function.

There are also some new mobs: angels, devils, winged dog, dark seller.

Angels are not so harmless. They shoot at enemies with lightning bolts, while devils throw explosive projectiles. 

New items include swords, additional armor for players, a totem and some other useful accessories.

Fallen Angels

This mod adds new aggressive bosses to Minecraft. These angels will be the strongest rivals, and the authors of the add-on have given them excellent animation and functionality.

It is noteworthy that this addon is great for multiplayer games. After all, fighting new characters in the company of friends will be much more fun.

During the battle, the crafters should know if they move away from the angels, then they turn on the arrow mode if they approach the melee mode.

After the boss battle, players will have access to various trophies, such as wings, black and red.

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