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Fantasy Mod for Minecraft PE



Download Fantasy mod for Minecraft on Android and get to know funny creatures, new effects and other unusual objects.

What will the Fantasy Mod add to Minecraft PE?

The world of Minecraft PE is already quite familiar to most users. There are a lot of standard familiar animals, mobs and other characters. And so that players don’t get bored, the authors of fantasy fashion add a lot of interesting and very unusual characters to the sandbox.

Fantasy creatures

One of the most popular and beloved mythical creatures are dragons. They are found in many fantasy fairy tales and games. Now Minecraft PE users also have the opportunity to tame one of the fire-breathing winged characters thanks to this mod.

After downloading the addon, a lot of mobs appear in the sandbox, which can be tamed, saddled, fought and much more.

The two main new characters are dragons and wyverns. Both of them are very powerful and dangerous. Someone will be able to tame. Well, someone will have to fight to the death.

The world of fiction

This fantasy mod is unique in that it adds not only mobs and items to Minecraft PE, but also entire biomes. Lush forests and groves, dense jungles and abandoned deserts, as well as entire cities and other settlements appear here. Of the mobs, a giant worm and a butterfly, a lemur and a rabbit should be noted.

Despite the fact that at first glance these are quite simple insects and animals, each of them will have extraordinary abilities.

But mythical creatures such as a fairy, a misty zombie and a goblin will also appear here.

Forest creatures

This mod introduces Minecraft PE users to very unusual fantasy characters. The forest dryad, the giant pig, the humanoid lizard, the skeleton king and other equally strange characters will become an integral part of the sandbox after downloading this addon.

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