/ Maps / Mini Games / Map for Achievements for Minecraft PE

Map for Achievements for Minecraft PE



Download Maps for Achievements for Minecraft PE on Android and get all the achievements of the cubic world.

What are the Achievement Cards in Minecraft PE?

These add-ons are suitable for those users who want to get almost all the achievements quickly and effortlessly. Launch the map, which will open access to the game. After that, earn achievements in Minecraft PE one by one.

New achievements

Any of the 107 achievements will be available to users of this map for Minecraft PE. You can easily open all the achievements and earn an incredible amount of points.

What is a location? These are several territories created by the authors, where players will be able to quickly achieve all goals.

One has only to follow one of the three given roads, and one by one all new opportunities will be available.

The main thing to consider is to activate your Xbox Live account to get all the achievements in Minecraft PE. If users do not have this connection, none of them will be counted.

New level

A distinctive feature of this achievement card is that it allows you to earn a bunch of coins in a matter of minutes. They, in turn, can be spent in the Minecraft PE store.

All achievements

Rejoice lovers of easy successes and victories! The authors of the achievement card provide players with this opportunity.

After downloading it, all bonuses will be available to Minecraft PE users automatically.

By the way, players should activate survival mode and disable cheats. Then all achievements will be available. In creative mode, the goals will be blocked.

Players can feel like the real rulers of the world. Having all the results available for the game will make users incredibly cool.

It is important to look carefully around you, because the map on Minecraft PE contains a lot of slugs that will constantly appear nearby.

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